Abortion (Touchy Topics)


I’m curious to know what some of your opinions are when it comes to abortion. I know abortion is an especially touchy topic in today’s society, but a friend of mine and I got into a long conversation about this topic this last night that never really ended.

He is for abortion. 😦 Just so you all know I am against abortion, thus the cute little babies in the picture above 🙂

I am not one to show animosity towards anyone for what they believe in. I am mainly just curious to understand the reasoning one would have considering abortion; and he likewise the opposite.

When I was younger I have always held these same views for the most part. I was always against abortion, but due to lack of knowledge at the time I thought it was okay to undergo the operation as long the female’s belly wasn’t big. Huh? What does that even mean? Again I was young. As I grew older and gained knowledge from various classes and life situations I started thinking,”Okay as long as the female has an abortion before a month or so it’s okay because the baby couldn’t possibly be a baby at that point, right?”

Some may say it comes down to a play on words.

The word fetus refers to an unborn offspring between 9 weeks of conception until birth. Generally people who are ‘for abortion’ refer to the unborn offspring as a fetus and always have the need to mention that a ‘baby’ by definition refers to a recently born child. “The fetus has not been recently born and therefore is not a baby and therefore is not alive and therefore it is not murder and therefore…”

On the other hand, people who are ‘against abortion’ will refer to the unborn offspring as a child. A child, ‘a young human being below the age of puberty’, ‘the descendants of a family or people’, ‘a person or thing influenced by a specified environment’, etc. Sounds like a child to me. The death of a child can apply when the unborn offspring growing inside of their mother dies(by definition.) By this logic abortion is clearly considered as murder and therefore should be illegal.

There a millions of different facts and statistics on both sides of this argument just like with many other touchy topics such as racism, gay marriage, illegal citizens, etc. Normally I wouldn’t post about any of these topics – if people want to be racist well let them be racist (even though I believe in equality for all), if gay men and lesbian women want to get married…welll…. why not???? (I support gay marriage), and if illegal citizens or aliens blah blah blah

However, for this topic I wouldn’t feel right saying, “If people want to have abortions then go ahead and kill your babies!” No no no. I guess that is why I’m writing.


– Just after 3 weeks of fertilization the eyes and spinal cord of the offspring are visible!!

– Just after 4 weeks of fertilization the heart of the offspring actually begins to beat!!!

– and just after……..

….wait a minute….

4 weeks pregnant… and the heart of the offspring is already beginning to beat… and there are people out there who believe that that elegant sound of the offspring’s heart rhythmically beating is not enough evidence of life…and that murder has nothing to do with abortion… hmmmm

Apologies for all of the “Pro-Abortion” people reading this post. I know this has been extremely biased. I will say my bipolar disorder comes out a little when I start thinking about the women who are raped and impregnated. Rape, from what I have heard, is one of the worst life experiences for a female to go through. And then finding out that the cowardly attacker has gotten you pregnant is a feeling I don’t believe us men will ever be truly able to comprehend.

That being said, I have always basically turned a blind eye and neglected those conversations. I want to say it is okay for the female to get an abortion in those scenarios only if she gets it done expediently. No more than a month. But I still feel bad just saying that. It is never okay. But maybe in that situation… what about other situations… You see… damn touchy topics… playing with my head again.

Let’s end this depressing, stressful, emotions builder upper of a post with something funny. (Probably not funny, I am just making this up now.)

Boy: Hey girl, I hear you against abortion… so let’s have sex!

Girl: Why would I have sex with you?

Boy: Well you are against abortion… so that means at any stage it is still considered murder.

Girl: And your point is?

Boy: Well you see if we don’t have sex I am going to masturbate killing millions of sperm cells… aka millions of babies. Sex with you could possibly save one of them. I thought you were against the killing of babies!!!

Girl: Well… I guess you are right… :drops pants:

What if that actually worked?

Thanks for reading everyone. Please feel free to respond with your own opinions and insight on the issue.

– Derek

P.S. I encourage everyone to watch the music video posted below. It’s a father’s song to his aborted child. Sad song with powerful lyrics.